Our Beliefs
We believe there is one true God, who is best described as “The Great I AM.” God’s full glory is inexpressibly impossible for humans to totally grasp. We further believe in The Holy Trinity, The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit, each exercising distinct but harmonious functions in the work of creating and sustaining the universe as well as in creating, redeeming (from sin) and sustaining humanity.
And that:
We cherish and believe that the Bible is Holy, set aside by God for God’s purpose. The Bible is God’s divinely inspired words of instruction. It is enough for our salvation from sin, our conduct in society, our moral compass and for our values and ethical behavior.
Through Burnside Community Baptist Church Bible studies:
We know Jesus is our Lord and Savior, is the eternal God incarnate. Jesus is fully God and fully human. He was conceived of The Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, died on the cross for our sins, rose bodily from the grave, ascended into Heaven and will come again to judge us all and to receive His Church.
And Through Faith and Supplication:
We know we are saved by grace. We know that the salvation of sinners is fully and wholly by God’s grace (God’s unearned love) through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s Cross. Jesus, by the appointment of God and without sin, freely took upon Himself the very nature of humanity. His death made full atonement for our sins. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are reconciled (made right) with God and each other.