Elder Sisters

Elder Sisters Ministry

“Older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity.” – 1 Timothy 5:2 (ESV)

Burnside’s Elder Sister Ministry provides spiritual guidance, learning opportunities and ministries that model Christian Womanhood. This ministry aims to actively engage in study of the Word, prayer, training, witnessing and communication for the edification of God’s Kingdom. Members do this by:

⦁    Assisting with Communion and Baptism, monthly
⦁    Serving at all BCBC Repasts.
⦁    Providing continuous donations of clothing and household items to the Village of Hopkins Park, IL

Elder Sister Barbara Roeper
Phone: 773.994.5367

645 East 91st Place, Chicago, IL 60619
Phone: 773.994.5367
Fax: 773.994.5435
