“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace” -1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)The trustees of the Burnside Community Baptist Church strive through the power of the Holy Spirit, to manage the material possessions and oversee the financial matters of the church. The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the church's physical property, financial obligations and all other assets of the church’s finances. In short, the Trustee Board uses individual spiritual gifts and is charged with stewardship of all the resources that God has blessed the church family with. Acting as one body, the Trustees provide direction, leadership, facilities, processes, capability and capacity to help further God’s word. Trustees support the ministry of the Church by working to: ⦁ Give oversight to maintenance and care of church properties⦁ Manage the fiscal operations⦁ Serve as legal custodians ⦁ Promote the unity of the body of Christ CONTACT:Deacon Edward King for more detailsPhone: 773.994.5367
645 East 91st Place, Chicago, IL 60619 Phone: 773.994.5367 Fax: 773.994.5435